A-338 Spray Polyurethane Binder


It is a one-component, solvent-based, polyurethane-based spray binder.


Duayen A-338 spray polyurethane binder is a system prepared by spraying on the flexible and jointless floor covering prepared with black SBR rubber and Duayen A-395 Binder. A flexible coating layer with high durability and performance properties is obtained by spraying the fine EPDM granules with Duayen A-338 Spray polyurethane binder several times as the last layer. The system is water permeable and different color options are offered according to customer preference. Duayen PU Spray System is suitable for indoor and outdoor sports facilities, multi-purpose sports facilities and children's playgrounds. Ideal for schools, recreational activities and athletics.

Curing time: 12 hours (dry to the touch)


In the application of Duayen A-338 PU Spray System, the floor must be clean, thoroughly free from chemical oils, dust and soil. First of all, A-390 PU Rubber Primer should be applied to prevent dusting on the floor and to increase adherence. The first layer of the spray system, the mixture of SBR rubber and A-395 PU Binder, is spread evenly on the floor with the help of a paver or trowel. After the product dries, Duayen A-338 Spray Polyurethane binder, optional colorant, fine powder EPDM mixture is prepared and sprayed with a spray machine. The second spray application should be done in the opposite direction of the first application.

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