A-114 Polyurethane Parquet Adhesive


It is a one-component, flexible, high-adhesive parquet adhesive with polyurethane structure.


Wooden parquet, laminated bonding,

Laminate MDF, chipboard lam bonding,

Bonding of natural stone, ceramic, granite, marble and decorative bricks,

In bonding PVC floor tile coverings,

In bonding chipboard, chipboard, styrofoam, polystyrene board, acoustic sound insulation,


It has high adhesion strength in initial and final adhesion. It is resistant to simple acids.

Since it creates a soft structure on the applied surface, it softens the impact sounds.

It is a soft elastic material.

It is compatible with high temperature differences. ( - 20/ + 90 °C )

It is frost resistant.

Full drying time: 7 days

Drying time: 12 hours at 25 °C


During the application of DUAYEN A-114 Polyurethane Parquet Glue, the surface to be applied must be a clean, dry, oil-free, repaired surface. The product should be mixed before use, and it should be thoroughly applied to the floor with the help of a toothed trowel, roller or brush. Although the first start of drying occurs within 3 hours, drying takes place after 12 hours. Drying time may vary depending on temperature and humidity. In areas with low humidity, the drying time may be increased by 50%. It fully gains its chemical resistance after 7 days. Safe working conditions for the application are between +5°C and +30°C, the temperature of the floor to be applied should be 3°C above the dew point in the area.


Application can be done with a toothed trowel, roller or brush.

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